Thursday, October 11, 2012

A Free View of Cities of the Dead

click on the cover for the free ebook.

Today and tomorrow, the 11th and 12th of October, Saint James Infirmary Books is running a free promotion of my book Cities of the Dead.  Our ebook version, available exclusively at Amazon, is completely free.  Not only can it be read on a Kindle, but it can also be read with one of the many free reading apps on a Blackberry, iPhone, iPad, Android (phone and tablet), Windows Phone 7, PC and Mac computers, as well as from your browser.  Just click here to see how to use one of the free reading apps.
  The book continues to gain more great reviews, and will be exhibited at the 2012 Louisiana Book Festival in Baton Rouge, LA on October 27th.  We are hoping to be able to announce some reviews of it in the local papers soon as well.  We've already begun to see sales of the print version, before the release date of the 13th.  All in all, I've been very encouraged by the response to this book.  My thanks go out to everyone who has been kind enough to show such early interest in this book.
  So please be sure to download your free copy today or tomorrow, and let as many of your friends, family, and complete strangers know about it that you possibly can.  Thanks so very much!

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